Huangyangmei Lightening and Construction Material Street has an area of 65000 square meters and locates in Huangyangmei village, Beiyuan. This special street for lights, lamps and lanterns was co-built by Yiwu Dingjian Co. LTD., and Huangyangmei Economy and Stocks Corperation. It consists of five sections, that is quality goods section, illuminant items section, outdoor lighting section, low voltage electrics section and hardware machinery section. With its convenient transportaion and easy access, Huangyangmei lightening street has drawn over 150 famous brands at home and abroad. Products like lights and light decoration, light parts, switches, insulating materials and docorative materials are handy at this street.
Industry: illuminant items, outdoor lighting, low voltage electrics, lights, light decoration, light parts, switches, insulating materials, docorative materials
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